How To Treat Dizziness

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What does it mean to feel dizzy? There are those who would describe this as feeling off balance or light headed, while others would describe this as feeling as though everything around them is spinning. Dizziness is something that many people have had at one point in their lives and is not considered serious. However, it should be checked by a medical professional to ensure there is no serious reason for the dizzy spells you may be having, though it can take tests and time to find the underlying cause for your dizziness.

Make the Appointment with your Doctor

There are those who would describe this as feeling off balance or light headed, while others would describe this as feeling as though everything around them is spinning.
There are those who would describe this as feeling off balance or light headed, while others would describe this as feeling as though everything around them is spinning.

When you first make an appointment with your doctor, he or she is going to want you to describe the dizzy spells to them. They will want to know what you feel like when this happens. They are also going to want to examine other symptoms that you may be having, such as headaches and the like. Other aspects they will want to know:

  • Did the dizziness start after an illness or start on its own?
  • Are dizzy episodes repeated? When do you most often feel like this?
  • How long are these spells lasting?

In many cases, an ear condition can be the cause for dizzy spells. There is a simple method for finding out if the ear is to blame for these spells. This is through determining if the dizzy spells occur when upright or when you are laying down. Those that feel dizzy when they are upright will find that the ear is not involved. However, when laying down, and becoming dizzy, many times an ear infection is to be blamed.

You will want to keep track of your dizzy spells via a diary or other method. You will find that your doctor will be able to help you easier if they have a clear picture of when and how this happens. Note down:

  • The activity you were doing when you felt dizzy
  • How long the dizzy spell lasted
  • How severe the dizzy spell was
  • Any other symptoms that you may have shown such as nausea, blurred vision, hearing loss, fainting or the like.

Also note any and all medications that you take to ensure these medications are not causing your dizzy spells. It could be that the doctor decides on a different medication to help prevent your dizzy spells. Or the doctor may refer you to a specialist for your dizzy spells.

The Common Reasons you feel Dizzy

There are several reasons why a person may be dizzy that are often the common reason why these happen. These causes include:

  • A migraine can cause dizziness even if you do not feel the pain of a headache
  • During times of high stress or anxiety, a person can hyperventilate that leads to feeling dizzy
  • If you are dehydrated you could begin to feel dizzy
  • Having heat exhaustion can also have dizziness accompanying other symptoms like fever, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Related Video On Dizziness 


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