Is CPR Physically Hard to Do?

Fact Checked

Many people have watched TV or a reality or medical show and seen people do CPR. One part that many people don’t notice when watching is that it is very physically challenging to do. It’s almost at a physical sprint level of exercise.


When doing compressions on the chest, a vital component of CPR, the person delivering the compression should try to push the chest 1/2 to 1/3 the depth of the chest. Arms are to be locked straight to help use the upper body rather than arm strength. A lot of CPR instructors will repeat “Push hard and push fast!” That is at least 30 chest compressions pushed at a speed of more than 100 beats per minute. In short, that is a sprint! It is exhausting.

Fit People Test

A few studies were created to determine how long can a fit person effectively do compressions. Rarely did rescuers beat a time of 2 minutes before getting exhausted and CPR begin to suffer in quality. This is why in CPR classes people are taught to use bystanders and to take turns doing compressions.

Technology to the rescue

A compression machine has been invented and put to use to help with chest compressions. Check out the video below!

In Short

Be prepared to get a workout in your CPR course. It’s hard work to do CPR! If you have any upper body injuries keep in mind that your instructor will need to see you do effective CPR in order to pass. Maybe wait until your injuries heal before taking the course!

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