How To Treat Alcohol Poisoning

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When a person drinks a lot of alcohol to the point in which they are poisoning their bodies, usually over a small amount of time, they are binge drinking. This type of behaviour can have lasting consequences for the health of the drinker. In fact, this type of drinking can lead to alcohol poisoning in those who are not careful with the amount of alcohol that they are drinking. There are also situations in which those who drink leave their alcohol in an area in which children can get this, leading to a child getting alcohol poisoning.

The Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning

When a person drinks a lot of alcohol to the point in which they are poisoning their bodies, usually over a small amount of time, they are binge drinking. This type of behaviour can have lasting consequences for the health of the drinker.
When a person drinks a lot of alcohol to the point in which they are poisoning their bodies, usually over a small amount of time, they are binge drinking. This type of behavior can have lasting consequences for the health of the drinker.

There are several signs to look for in a person who has alcohol poisoning. The signs are:

  • Seizures
  • Confusion
  • Vomiting
  • Breathes slowly, less than eight breaths in one minute
  • Skin becomes pale, along a bluish color, is cold and clammy
  • Body temperature drops
  • Loss of coordination
  • Slurred speech
  • Passing Out
  • Being in a stupor

What to do if Alcohol Poisoning is Suspected

When you believe that someone has alcohol poisoning, never let the person sleep it off. This is a common way to deal with this, but it is wrong. Someone who has alcohol in their system can actually become drunk as they are sleeping. For those who may have alcohol poisoning, these levels continue to rise while sleeping, which could mean result in death. Instead, be sure to call an ambulance for the person, so that the hospital can monitor the alcohol leaving their body and ensure there are no issues arise.

If a person is poisoned with alcohol, they could:

  • Stop breathing
  • Choke on vomit
  • Have a heart attack
  • Have fatal lung damage
  • Have severe dehydration
  • Suffer with low blood sugar levels

Treating Alcohol Poisoning

Those who have this type of poisoning, are unable to help themselves. This is why it is important that when around a lot of people who are drinking that you know what to watch out for. Remember the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning, and also remember to follow these tips:

  • Call for an ambulance if this is suspected
  • While you are waiting:
    • Keep the person sitting up and awake
    • Make them drink some water if they can
    • If they pass out, roll the person onto their side and watch their breathing
    • Keep the person warm
    • Keep an eye on all their symptoms until the ambulance arrives

Related Video on Alcohol Poisoning





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