Constipation: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

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Constipation is when bowel movements have become less frequent or increasingly difficult. The normal length of time between bowel movements varies from person to person. Some people can have bowel movements twice a day, while others can go every other day. However, when a person has not had a single bowel movement in three days, it is considered too long. After 72 hours, the feces have already become hard and difficult to pass due to the decreased water it contains. Constipation is not a disease in itself, but rather a symptom.

Causes of Constipation

Constipation is usually caused by a disorder of bowel function. It is commonly caused when the large intestine absorbs too much water or when the muscles in the large intestine contract slowly or poorly causing feces to move slowly and lose more water. Some of the common causes of constipation are the following:

  • Lack of sufficient fiber in diet
    • Fiber promotes bowel movements
    • Physical inactivity
    • Certain drugs
      • Diuretics
      • Antidepressants
      • Narcotics
      • Dehydration or inadequate fluid intake
        • Too much caffeine and alcohol
        • Dairy products, especially milk
        • Irritable bowel syndrome
        • Rectal or colon problems
        • Certain diseases
          • Neurologic disorders
          • Endocrine and metabolic conditions
          • Cancer
          • Hypothyroidism
          • Ignoring the urge to go to the toilet
          • Pregnancy
            • Due to hormonal changes in the body
            • Aging
              • Slowed metabolism
              • Change in routine

Symptoms of Constipation

It may be hard to determine if one has constipation due to wide range of length between bowel movements per person. However, some of the symptoms include:

  • Hard, compressed feces
  • Difficult or painful to pass feces
  • Strain excessively during a bowel movement
  • No bowel movement in three days
  • Relief of stomach aches after bowel movements
  • Bloody stools
  • Leakage of wet, almost diarrhea-like stool between regular bowel movements

Treatment for Constipation

It is not irregular to not have bowel movements every day. But Constipationif no bowel movements have occurred in days, it is time to treat for constipation. The treatment for constipation can also serve as prevention mechanism

  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, specifically fruits and vegetables high in fiber. Add legumes and whole-grain bread and cereal in the diet as well.
  • Drink plenty of water. Avoid liquids that contain caffeine and alcohol, as they have dehydrating effect on the body. Also, avoid milk and other dairy products.
  • Set-up a regular exercise schedule.
  • Take time for bowel movements. Go when one has to go and do not rush.
  • Only take laxatives if prescribed by the doctor.

Constipation is rarely a medical emergency. Mild cases can be easily treated at home. Through first aid training, symptoms can be recognized, especially in children, and can be taught proper medication for many different symptoms, including constipation.

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