Treating Cuts and Grazes

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One of the most common injuries that people have are cuts and grazes. Grazes are defined as a problem in which just the layer of the skin is scraped off, though it may bleed slightly, it is only relatively painful and it heals quickly. There are situations in which a cut can take longer to heal, such as when the cut is located in a knee joint. A cut can also heal slower if it is a deep cut, and in many cases, a scar is going to follow a cut that is serious. Serious cuts that are extremely deep can ever affect the blood vessels, nerves and tendons under the skin.

When should you Seek Medical Attention

One of the most common injuries that people have are cuts and grazes. Grazes are defined as a problem in which just the layer of the skin is scraped off, though it may bleed slightly, it is only relatively painful and it heals quickly.
One of the most common injuries that people have are cuts and grazes. Grazes are defined as a problem in which just the layer of the skin is scraped off, though it may bleed slightly, it is only relatively painful and it heals quickly.

When most people get a graze, they do not consider going to a doctor. However, in cases in which a person gest cut, many people do not realize that medical attention may be needed. The following situations are when you need to seek medical attention for either a cut or graze:

  • If you believe there is damage to the deeper tissues. You will feel numbness, see blood coming from the wound that does not stop after applying pressure and lasts for longer than five minutes.
  • If there is a risk of infection such as if the cut or graze has come into contact with outside material, waste products, or the like.
  • If the wound has already become infected, then be sure to get medical attention. Signs of infection include pus coming from the wound, the area swelling, and redness around the wound and pain that is increasing in severity.
  • The wound is not closing with regular bandages or it is in an area that is hard to bandage.
  • If you feel the wound is going to cause a scar, you can seek a medical opinion as to what to do.

Treating Minor Grazes and Cuts

For those who become cut or have a minor graze in most situations, you simply wash the wound to remove any debris that may be in the cut or graze. Then apply some type of bandage to offer protection. Many people put on some sort of salve for helping this to heal.

Stopping Bleeding in a Cut or Graze

There are times in which a cut or graze can bleed heavily. This can be due to where the issue is located on the body, or it could be an underlying health issue. When this happens, be sure to apply pressure to the area, raise the area above your head if possible or lie down so that the area is below the heart. The bleeding will slow and eventually stop once pressure has been applied. If this does not happen, then medical attention should be sought.

Dressing a Wound

When you are applying a dressing to a cut or graze at home, be sure that you follow these tips:

  • Wash your hands
  • Clean the wound using clean water, avoid using an antiseptic as this can affect the healing time
  • After washing the wound, pat it dry with a clean towel
  • Apply the dressing

Related Video On Cuts and Grazes


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1 thought on “Treating Cuts and Grazes”

  1. I am wee bit concerned that you still have an online video advising elevation which is contrary to current advice. I also feel that cuts and grazes should be separate as the most important treatment with a graze is cleaning it preferabley with water and not antiseptic wipes!

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