Recognizing a Breathing

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breathingEver found someone lying on the ground unconscious and unsure whether the casualty is breathing? Instead of panicking immediately, one should learn the steps on how to recognize breathing. Basic first aid teaches the rescuer basic knowledge on what-to-do in cases emergency situations like these arises. First aid training and other certification courses teaches even the non-medical cluster of the community how to act in an emergency situation.

To check for breathing, slightly tilt the casualty’s head using the palm of one hand on the forehead. Using the other hand, lift up the casualty’s chin with two fingers. Place the cheek near the casualty’s nose and mouth. Feel for breathing on the cheek and observe for rise and fall of chest. Also, it is important to check and monitor the pulse of the casualty. The pulse may be check by sliding two fingers in the groove on the side of the casualty’s neck. Checking for breathing and pulse should not be done for more than 10 seconds.

If pulse was observed but no breathing, begin rescue breathing. With one hand, tilt the head back and with the second hand, lift the chin. Pinch firmly the nose and cover the mouth of the casualty with own mouth. Give one breath every five seconds. Monitor for signs of life every 24 breaths or every two minutes. If no pulse and no breathing were detected, begin CPR. Call for emergency medical assistance as soon as possible.

A colorless, odorless, tasteless gaseous element vital to almost all organisms in earth, this is oxygen. In the absence of oxygen, most organisms will die within minutes. Oxygen is one of the most abundant gases in the atmosphere and has many uses in the universe, it plays a role as a catalyst, in oxidation – reduction reactions, and in combustion among others.

But what makes oxygen so crucial to life? Apart from the fact that most of human body mass is oxygen, oxygen is absorbed by the blood in the process of respiration, where the inhaled oxygen is brought to the lungs to be dispersed to all parts if the body. This oxidizes worn-out tissues and modifies them into substances that are easily removed from the body. The heat produced by oxidation is the source of body heat. Moreover, oxygen is necessary for treatment of certain diseases wherein the person is incapable of inhaling sufficient air, and bodily decay. Without sufficient oxygen in the body, the immune system of the body weakens leading victims more susceptible to various diseases. In addition, oxygen destroys harmful bacteria in the body.

Proper breathing is important in the body in the body because as the minutes go by that there is no oxygen in the brain, damage increases whereas survival decreases. One minute with no oxygen results to death of brain cells but survival is possible. Three minutes with no oxygen may lead to serious brain damage. Ten minutes of no oxygen results to an abundant number of dead brain cells and the patient is unlikely to recover. After 15 minutes of no oxygen present in the brain, recovery is nearly impossible. Every human needs oxygen for survival. Without sufficient amounts of oxygen, it can lead to the demise of an individual.

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