Frontal headache

Frontal headache

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A frontal headache is soreness in the forehead and sometimes radiates to the cheeks and the nose bridge. Headaches depends on the anatomical areas. A headache at the back of head is an occipital headache while a headache felt on the front area is a frontal headache.

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A frontal headache is usually caused by sinusitis which involves inflammation of sinuses in the forehead, cheekbones and the bridge of the nose. Migraines can also cause a frontal headache.

These headaches cause visual disturbances such as “seeing star” and nausea. It usually affects only one side of the head and can vary from one attack to another. Migraine headaches can cause constriction of the blood vessels in the head and result to strain to the eyes and muscles of the forehead. Stress, depression and lack of sleep can also result to a frontal headache.

Causes of frontal headache

Frontal headache
A frontal headache is usually caused by sinusitis which involves inflammation of sinuses in the forehead, cheekbones and the bridge of the nose.
  • Eye strain due to long use of a computer. Some eye conditions such as astigmatism and unequal vision can also result to eye strain and cause a frontal headache.
  • Sinusitis which is severe swelling and inflammation of the tissues that function in lining the sinus cavities
  • Tension which is due to stress, depression, lack of sleep, sleep apnea and anxiety. It can also be due to some conditions such as arthritis, tension of the joints and straining of the neck.


  • Massage the affected area to relax the strained muscles of the forehead. It also helps increase the circulation of blood in the area and there is increase flow of blood in the strained muscles and lessen the spasm. Furthermore, massage the head, neck and shoulders to lessen the tension in the area.
  • Apply a hot water bag over the forehead to relieve stress, tension, strain and pain. Another way is to take a hot shower which is beneficial for the condition.
  • Apply a warm compress on the front of the head. Steam inhalation helps liquefy the thick mucus present in the sinuses and helps lessen the pressure on the frontal and maxillary sinuses.
  • If there is sinus congestion or a stuffed nose, use a saline nasal spray to help expel the accumulated mucus that causes the headache.
  • Drink plenty of water to help prevent dehydration.
  • Drink one glass of coffee or ginseng tea to help prevent frontal headache caused by tension.
  • Take a short nap in a dark room to help minimize the occurrence of a migraine headache. If there is difficulty taking a nap, stay away from bright lights and commotions.

In case a nasal spray is not available, inhaling the steam from a cup of boiling water or tea can help in relieving the congestion of the sinuses.


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