First Aid and CPR Training Basics: Medications for Improved Circulation

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Knowing how to administer medications that can improve overall blood circulation is an integral part of first aid and CPR training since establishing sufficient and proper blood circulation ensures that medical emergencies such as head injuries or accidents do not cause permanent damage due to lack of oxygen supply such as brain damage. Here are some of the medications that can improve the blood circulation in the body.

chest pain - angina - shock - fear - heart attack - outside
chest pain due to insufficient blood circulation


These types of medications increase blood circulation by loosening the muscles that surround the arteries which would prevent blood vessels from narrowing and tightening. This creates more space inside the vessels for blood to flow which leads to increased blood circulation and lower blood pressure since the heart will not need to pump out blood more vigorously. This is why vasodilators are prescribed to patients who suffer from hypertension and other cardiovascular problems such as heart failure. Despite its efficiency in blood vessel dilation, vasodilators can cause a number of side effects which can impair the consciousness or activity level of the patient. These side effects include nausea, dizziness and vomiting. Rescuers should anticipate these side effects and administer proper first aid in order to manage the symptoms.


Diuretics are often referred to as water pills since they are formulated to promote the removal of excess fluid and salt through urination. By removing fluid and salt in the body, blood pressure is lessened which leads to increased blood circulation. There are three types of diuretics and each type is formulated to treat certain medical conditions more efficiently than the others. This is why rescuers should be aware of these different types and how they should be properly used to ensure that the desired effects are achieved without compromising the health of the patient in any way. Rescuers are also given the task of handling the side-effects of these medications which may include fever, muscle cramp and dehydration. These side effects should be immediately treated during medical emergencies such as accidents.

Aside from the side effects, it is important for rescuers to learn about the proper administration of these medications during their first aid and CPR training since some of these medications is administered subcutaneously, intravenously or sublingually. Failure to administer these medications properly can inhibit its efficiency or produce debilitating medical conditions. Many of these medications also produce harmful adverse reactions when taken with other medications. It is the job of the rescuer to ensure that the patient has not ingested anything that can lead to the development of adverse reactions once these medications are administered.

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