
Save A Life With These First Aid Management Tips for A Stroke

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The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons refers to stroke as a condition where a sudden interruption of the blood flow to the brain occurs. The condition usually takes place when the arteries in the brain are blocked or rupture, thereby depriving the vital parts of the brain and the brain tissues of adequate blood flow that carries oxygen for them to survive and carry out their functions. With lack of oxygen to the brain tissues, they gradually die in minutes. The dead cells and tissues in the brain are not replaceable thus the effect of a stroke can be devastating and usually life threatening.

Learning how to manage an attack of stroke can help reduce the devastating outcomes of the condition. With an oxygen deprived brain tissues, the attack can cause a person to die within minutes. Learning the proper first aid treatment in managing the symptoms of stroke can help reduce the fatality of the attack and can help save lives. Here are the things that you should do in case of a stroke attack as first aid treatment:

Call for Help

It is important to call for help immediately whenever someone suddenly has a stroke attack. The condition can be fatal and getting professional help immediately can save lives. If there are other people with you, ask them to call for help while you render assistance to the stroke victim.

Assess the Person

Stroke can cause a person to become weak, lose their ability to speak, lose sensation on some areas of their body, may cause paralysis and may even cause them to lose consciousness. Assess whether the person is still coherent and conscious and try asking their name. If the person is unable to speak, ask him to squeeze your hand.

Bring Him / Her to a Comfortable Position

If the person is still conscious, make sure to make him as comfortable as possible. Persons with a stroke attack tend to be very weak and you can avoid the incidents of a fall by letting him sit down on a chair. Give him room for more air to breathe and sure to keep the circulation going to prevent depriving the brain of oxygen.

Checking a stroke victim for breathing

Check for Airway and Breathing

Your ultimate goal during a stroke attack is to make sure the person is breathing especially when he or she is unconscious. Lay down the person and tilt her / his neck and check for his airway. Apply CPR if the person’s airway does not show any sign of breathing.

Take a basic CPR lesson to save life

A single attack of stroke can cause a person to die. Make sure that you are prepared to help any of your loved ones and even a stranger in case any emergency medical condition occurs such as a stroke happens by getting an education on basic CPR training or certification.



American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (2012). Advanced First Aid, CPR and AED. MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

My Dr. First Aid for Stroke. Retrieved May 28, 2014 from

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